Are you planning a major roofing renovation in Saddle Brook, New Jersey? Before you even pick up your tools and get to work, you should understand the codes and regulations your project must adhere to.

Fortunately, this guide will equip you with essential information to help you ensure your new roof construction meets all the requirements to stay within the bounds of the law.

Understanding the Regulatory Framework

Saddle Brook, located in Bergen County, NJ, officially adopted the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (UCC) as the primary framework to govern construction projects within the township.

The UCC, also known as NJUCC, is enforced by the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) with the purpose of protecting people’s safety and welfare, encouraging innovation, and promoting economic growth.

This governing document is heavily based on the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC), which cover all aspects related to the construction, repair, maintenance, renovation, and replacement of residential and commercial buildings and structures, including roofs.

Do You Need a Permit for a Roofing Project in Saddle Brook, NJ?

According to the Township of Saddle Brook’s § 206-83 code, you cannot begin any construction that requires significant changes, whether building a structure or a part of it or renovating an existing one, without a permit.

However, in 2018, the DCA reclassified roof replacements as “ordinary maintenance” and “minor work,” meaning these projects may not require a permit and aren’t subject to inspections by state enforcement agencies.

In simple terms, whether you’ll need a permit for a roofing project will greatly depend on its type, size, and scope.

Most Relevant Roofing Codes in Saddle Brook, NJ

Roofing codes are quite extensive, information-dense across New Jersey –including the township of Saddle Brook– and cover many different situations and topics. Thus, you may need to do more research or seek professional advice to fully understand the requirements your roofing project must meet. However, below are the most relevant ones:

What Does the IRC Say?

Chapters 8 and 9 of the ICR, which primarily focus on one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses, define the requirements for roof-ceiling construction and roof assemblies, respectively. These include the following:

Materials and Specific Requirements for Roofing

⦁ Asphalt shingles, metal, slate, tile, wood, solar panels, and other materials are approved for use in New Jersey homes as long as they meet the requirements and specifications of the building codes and the manufacturer’s instructions.
⦁ If the ceiling or roof is made of combustible materials, there should be an access opening to the attic. This opening should be at least 22 inches wide and 30 inches tall. If it’s in a ceiling, there must be at least 30 inches of headroom in the attic above the opening.
⦁ Roofs must be covered with materials that are compatible with each other and with the building structure, and all of them must be properly identified and labeled.
⦁ The underlayment for asphalt shingles, clay and concrete tiles, metal panels, wood shingles, and other materials must comply with ASTM D226, D1970, D4869, and D6757 and conform to the standards of Sections⦁ ⦁ R904 and⦁ ⦁ R905 of the IRC’s Chapter 9.
⦁ Roofing materials are divided into classes based on their fire-resistance properties, with Class A being the most resistant to fire. Class A, B, and C roofs are required in certain jurisdictions or when the roof edge is within 3 feet of a property line.

Slopes and Other Guidelines

⦁ Asphalt shingles require a minimum roof slope of 2:12 (17%). For slopes between 2:12 and 4:12 (33%), double underlayment is needed per⦁ ⦁ Section R905.1.1.
⦁ Clay and concrete roof tiles require a minimum roof slope of 2.5:12 (25%). For slopes between 2.5:12 and 4:12 (33%), double underlayment is required per⦁ ⦁ Section R905.3.3.
⦁ Metal roof shingles cannot be installed on roofs with a slope less than 3:12 (25%) and should comply with⦁ ⦁ Table R905.10.3(1) and⦁ ⦁ Table R905.10.3(2).
⦁ Slate shingles can be used on roofs with a slope of at least 4:12 (33%).
⦁ Wood shingles can be installed on either solid or spaced sheathing. When using spaced sheathing, boards must be at least 1×4 nominal size and spaced according to the weather exposure to align with fastener placement. Solid sheathing is mandatory on roof sections requiring an ice barrier, too.
⦁ Wood shingles are suitable for roofs with a minimum slope of 3:12 (25%).
⦁ Wood shakes can be installed on solid or spaced sheathing. The latter requires boards that are at least 1×4 nominal size. If 1×4 spaced sheathing is used with 10-inch centers, additional 1×4 boards must be installed between the existing sheathing.
⦁ Wood shakes are suitable for roofs with a minimum slope of 3:12 (25%).
⦁ Metal roof panels have varying minimum slope requirements. Lapped, nonsoldered-seam metal roofs without applied lap sealant must have a minimum slope of 3:12 (25%). If a lap sealant is applied, the minimum slope can be reduced to 1/2:12 (4%), but the sealant must be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Standing-seam roof systems have the lowest minimum slope requirement at 1/4:12 (2%).


⦁ Both roofs and ceilings must be strong enough to accommodate all loads set in⦁ ⦁ Section R301 of the IRC’s Chapter 8 and distribute such loads evenly down the structure’s supporting elements.
⦁ When used for load-supporting purposes, wood and wood-based products should comply with specific requirements, such as being properly manufactured, accredited, identified, and marked.
⦁ Fire-retardant-treated wood (FRTW) must have a flame spread index of 25 or lower and be tested under specific conditions if planned to be used for roof framing.
⦁ In a roof and ceiling assembly, both must have continuous ties and connections across the entire structure to prevent them from pushing on the walls of the buildings.
⦁ If cold-formed steel roof framing is used, all elements must be in excellent condition, with no defects or malformations that may affect structural performance.
⦁ Ceilings must be installed using the same rules that apply to interior walls, as explained in⦁ ⦁ Sections R702.1 through ⦁ R702.6.
⦁ Enclosed attics with ceilings under the roof rafters need cross ventilation for each separate space to avoid moisture problems. Openings of at least ¼ inch are required in the roof and walls for air circulation, although this may vary.
⦁ The baseline requirement for the minimum ventilation area is 1/150th of the attic space unless there’s an exception.
⦁ Coverings must support the component and cladding loads listed in⦁ ⦁ Table R301.2.1(1). Also, they should be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions, following⦁ ⦁ Table R301.2.1(2).


⦁ Roofs must have drains at each low point unless they’re sloped and can drain water over roof edges.
⦁ For homes located in areas with expensive or collapsible soils, roofs should have a controlled system to get rid of water, directing it at least 5 feet away from foundation walls or through an approved drainage system.
⦁ Flashing must be installed at all relevant points, such as wall intersections, slope changes, and roof openings, to prevent water from entering through roof junctions (walls, slopes, and openings).
⦁ If asphalt shingles, metal, slate or slate-type shingles, wood shingles or shakes, and mineral-surfaced roll roofing are used in areas where the daily temperature averages 25°F (-4°C) or less in January, roofs must have an ice barrier installed.
⦁ Above-deck thermal insulation must be covered with an approved roof covering and comply with⦁ ⦁ NFPA 276 or ⦁ UL 1256.
⦁ The following materials can be used for roofing insulation in New Jersey: cellular glass board, expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene board, composite boards, fiber-reinforced gypsum board, glass-faced gypsum board, mineral wool board, perlite board, wood fiberboard, polyisocyanurate board.
⦁ Residential buildings in climate zone 4, which encompasses most of the state, must have a minimum roof insulation R-value of 38, while commercial buildings in the same zone require a minimum R-value of 30.

Reroofing and Roof Replacement

⦁ All materials and methods used for reroofing must comply with the guidelines set in the IRC’s Chapter 9, with some exceptions. For example, roofs that provide positive drainage aren’t subject to certain slope and emergency flow requirements.
⦁ Roof replacement requires the removal of all existing roof coverings down to the roof deck. However, an exception applies when an ice barrier membrane is already adhered to the roof deck. In such cases, the existing ice barrier membrane can remain in place, provided it’s covered with an additional layer of ice barrier membrane that complies with the guidelines outlined in⦁ ⦁ Section R905.
⦁ Roof recovery is generally permitted under several conditions. These include: meeting the roof covering manufacturer’s approved instructions, using independent roofing systems that don’t rely on existing layers for support, installing metal panels, shingles, concrete, or clay tiles over wood shakes (as outlined in⦁ ⦁ Section R908.4), and applying a new protective coating over compatible existing roof coverings, such as metal panels, shingles, mineral surfaced roll roofing, built-up roofs, modified bitumen roofing, and certain single-ply roofing systems.
⦁ Roof recovery isn’t permitted if the existing roof or its covering is so water-soaked or deteriorated that it’s considered inadequate, if the existing roof covering consists of slate, clay, cement, or asbestos-cement tile, or if the existing roof has two or more layers of any type of roofing.

What Does the IBC Say?

Chapter 15 of the IBC sets the guidelines for designing and constructing roof assemblies and rooftop structures in all types of buildings, such as commercial ones, with some exceptions. These include the following:

General Requirements

⦁ Roof decks and coverings must be designed and constructed with wind loads in mind, according to the IBC’s⦁ ⦁ Chapter 16 and ⦁ Sections 1504.2, ⦁ 1504.3, ⦁ 1504.4, and ⦁ 1504.5.
⦁ Coverings on low-slope roofs (with a slope less than 2 inches per 12 inches) must be able to withstand 2,000 hours of accelerated weathering tests (according to ASTM G152, G154, or G155) to prove they’ll last. If wind can cause the roof to flex, unreinforced membranes must maintain their tensile strength, and reinforced membranes must maintain their breaking strength after these tests.
⦁ Roof assemblies must meet specific requirements according to their⦁ ⦁ fire classification, but those that fall into the “Class A” category can be used in buildings or structures of all types of construction.

Materials and Components

⦁ Roofs’ drainage systems must be designed and installed in accordance with⦁ ⦁ Section 1611 of the IBC and the plumbing subcode⦁ ⦁ N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.15, which states that these structures must be strong enough to withstand the weight of accumulated rainwater and comply with other crucial requirements.
⦁ For buildings that fall into⦁ ⦁ specific categories –Group R-3 (residential occupancies), private garages, and type V construction), gutters and downspouts should be made of non-combustible materials or Schedule 40 plastic pipe.
⦁ Secondary drains and scuppers for emergency overflow must be installed beside the main ones if the roof has areas where water can get trapped. These extra drains can prevent water damage if the main ones get blocked and fail, for example. If scuppers are used as secondary drains for emergency overflow, they should have an opening dimension of at least 4 inches, be located in the right place, be large enough, and have a correct inlet elevation to prevent water from going as deep as the roof can safely handle.
⦁ Roof decks must have compliant coverings secured to the structure or building, designed in accordance with this code, and installed according to the manufacturer’s approved instructions.
⦁ Flashing must be installed at all roof joints, intersections and openings, gutters, walls, and other key areas to prevent water entry, using corrosion-resistant metal (at least 0.019 inches thick) where applicable.
⦁ Roofing structures must have intake and exhaust vents properly installed, following the guidelines set forth in⦁ ⦁ Section 1202.2.
⦁ Chimneys and penetrations greater than 30 inches wide, when measured perpendicular to the slope, require a cricket or saddle, which must be sheet metal or the same material as the roof covering and be placed on the ridge side.
⦁ Insulation can be cellular glass, composite, expanded and extruded polystyrene, fiber-reinforced gypsum, glass-faced gypsum, high-density polyisocyanurate, perlite, mineral fiber, polyisocyanurate, and wood fiberboard.
⦁ It’s permitted to use above-deck thermal insulation when it’s covered with an approved material and passes⦁ ⦁ NFPA 276 or ⦁ UL 1256 tests.
⦁ It’s also permitted to install a roof coating on a roof covering following the IBC’s Sections⦁ ⦁ 1505 and⦁ ⦁ 1509 requirements. If they meet the required standards, these materials can be used for coating: acrylic, asphalt, asphaltic emulsion, aluminum-pigmented asphalt, silicone, and moisture-cured polyurethane.
⦁ Radiant barriers may be installed above decks when covered by an approved roof covering as long as the system meets the requirements in either⦁ ⦁ FM 4450 or ⦁ UL 1256.

Rooftop Structures

⦁ If larger than specified in this code, a rooftop penthouse must be treated as a story under⦁ ⦁ Chapter 5.
⦁ Rooftop structures can’t exceed 1/3 of the supporting roof deck area and shouldn’t count toward building areas or stories.
⦁ Most penthouses are considered part of the story below the roof and are generally limited to 18 feet above the roof deck, except for Type I buildings and some exceptions.
⦁ Penthouses should be used only for mechanical/electrical equipment, tanks, stairways, elevators, and related items.
⦁ Large tanks of more than 500 gallons located on the roof deck must be supported on strong materials (masonry, concrete, steel, or heavy timber) with fire-resistance ratings where necessary.
⦁ Large cooling towers (over 250 square feet base area or 15 feet tall) on roofs higher than 50 feet above ground must be made of fireproof materials. Smaller parts can be wood if covered with fireproof material.
⦁ Tall structures (over 85 feet tall) must be built with strong materials (Type I or II construction) if they’re large (over 200 square feet) or used for something other than decoration or bells.
⦁ Mechanical equipment screens must match the building’s wall materials but don’t need fireproofing if they’re far enough away from other parts of the building (more than 5 feet).
⦁ Other structures that aren’t regulated by⦁ ⦁ Sections 1511.2 to ⦁ 1511.6 must follow the guidelines set in⦁ ⦁ Sections 1511.7.1 through ⦁ 1511.7.5, as applicable.

Note: Some requirements related to permitted materials, reroofing, insulation, roof replacement, fire classification, and weather protection may be the same or very similar in both IRC and IBC guidelines, but there are differences, too. It’s important to assess the codes for each specific roofing project.

Energy-Efficiency Requirements

New Jersey adopted the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and ASHRAE 90.1-2019, with some amendments and additions, to set the guidelines for energy-efficient residential and commercial building construction, creating the UCC Energy Subcode.

The IECC specifically targets low-rise residential constructions, while the ASHRAE 90.1-2019 applies to commercial and all other residential buildings.

Both codes establish requirements for air sealing and insulation, defining minimum R-values ​​for each climate zone –Bergen County is listed as “5A “– and cover the use of cool roofs.
Chapter 11 of the IRC also lists some requirements for energy-efficient roofing ventilation and insulation.

Final Thoughts: Ensuring Your Roofing Project Stays on the Right Side of the Law

Are you planning a roofing project in Saddle Brook? If you research and understand New Jersey construction guidelines, which are enforced in this township, you’ll stay on the right side of the law. Additionally, codes and regulations are designed to enhance the overall quality and value of your roof, protect your property’s integrity, and ensure your safety.

Given the complexity of building codes, it can be challenging to understand and follow them all. That’s why many prefer to work with a qualified local roofing contractor.

Experienced contractors are well-versed in local regulations and can ensure your roofing project complies with all necessary requirements, saving you time, money, and potential headaches.